About Us

Welcome to Kouturelocs Shop. The Brand, Kouturelocs Shop, is a collection of Loc Lifestyle Clothing, Loc Products and Loc Accessories. For every Loc Royal that visits, the shop extends a VIP invitation into our Loc Culture and Koutureloc'd Community. Each item has been handpicked for you to accompany you on your Loc Journey. Whether you have dreadlocks, microlocs, Sisterlocks ™ or just traditional locs, you will find something for you.

Kouturelocs Shop was created in 2019 by the Directors Rosa-Lee, Charlotte and Paulette of Kouturelocs Ltd,  a World Leading Loc Salon Service that specialises in Loc'd hair. 

Our mission is to provide natural hair and Loc'd wearers with clothing, products and accessories that will empower them through their hair journey.

Our Story 
Growing up, we experienced first-hand discrimination, stigma and struggles with our hair such as hair breakage, damage, and a lack of understanding on how to properly care for it. While trying to fit into a societal view of how our hair should be, our emotional state was harboured with feelings of our hair not being attractive coupled with the micro aggression we felt at work.

The challenges we faced were threefold:
  1. There were no clothes that really identified us, most time it didn’t fit very well, and the designs were very Eurocentric
  2. Products that we bought had harsh chemicals that had a negative impact on our hair scalp, making it dry, brittle, and sore
  3. No relatable hair accessories to adorn and manage our beautiful hair
Kouturelocs shop aims to solve these problems by providing the following:  
  1. Clothing embedded with positive messages that reinforces positive attitudes towards our hair and gives people an opportunity to convey their identity through what they wear, no matter their sex.
  2. A selection of natural hair products that are kinder to our hair and will improve our health and mental wellbeing.
  3. A range of accessories that are relatable, functional, reusable, and decorative for loc wearers for any occasion. 
How do we make our products?

Kouturelocs Shop is making greener choices. Our Loc Lifestyle clothing designs are original and have a variety of organic selections. Our Kouturelocs Brand Ambassadors vet our Loc Lifestyle Clothing, Loc Products and Loc Accessories for quality and ensure we are consistently making improvements. We have a range of Vegan Loc products and are providing sustainable options such as our refill scheme.  Our Loc products are produced by local suppliers while some of our Loc accessories are handmade and created from spare material to reduce waste. With our KL fashion, we are using innovative materials and production methods to do better both economically and climate wise.